Whales And Dolphins Watching Cruise Sydney
Get Up Close and Personal with the Wonderful Whales and Dolphins of Sydney
Enjoy one of Off The Map Whale watching charters most popular cruises to see the gentle ‘Giants of the Sea’. These amazing mammals fascinate humans and provide fantastic entertainment.
Come and experience seeing magnificent whales and dolphins enjoying the pristine habitats along our coastline. The Humpback whale is the most commonly seen in our waters, but you may also sight Southern Right, Minke or Blue Whales. Although rare some are lucky enough to see Orca’s and False Killers. Australian Fur Seals and Bottlenose and Common Dolphins are also regularly sighted.
When Is Whales & Dolphins Watching Season In Sydney?
Join us from May to November. The exact timing of the migration varies from year to year, depending on factors such as water temperature, prey abundance and sea ice. Whales travel north from June to August, to mate and give birth. Whales rest and socialise along the way, providing spectacular ‘shows’ on the ocean. They head south again between September and November. Groups of young males typically lead the migration followed by bulls (adult males) while pregnant cows bring up the rear. The annual migration from the Southern Ocean to Hervey Bay, covers up to 10 000 kilometres.
During the northern migration, particularly from mid-June to mid-July you will mostly see the young males leading the pack, who are there to have fun and provide the spectacular breaching’s so sought after in photographs. During the southern migration from September to November the females are accompanied by their calves making for another special experience.
What Is The Best Time For Whales & Dolphins Watching In Sydney?
Cruises leave late morning. This is the best time of the day. The glare off the water is reduced, making sighting the tell-tale ‘blow’ that little easier. Our two hour cruises will get you into the open sea quickly. This will maximise the time spent searching for and experiencing these magnificent creatures.
Remember to pack your binoculars and camera. As we take a maximum of 8 passengers you will have a great chance of catching that perfect shot.
Off The Map closely follows the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Regulations for Whale Watching. This ensures the whales are not stressed by our presence.
Remember to pack your binoculars and camera. As we only take a maximum of 8 passengers you will have a great chance of catching that perfect shot.
Our Whale Watching In Sydney